Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski

galeria handlowa

Słownik zwrotów amerykańskiego angielskiego

'SApIÎ mOln Du?a ilooa sklepów, barów, punktów us3ugowych, itd., umieszczona pod jednym dachem
centrum handlowe
centrum sklepowe Arsonists in Indonesia set fire to a shopping mall Friday (W Indonezji podpalacze pod3o?yli w pi1tek ogien pod centrum handlowe) - Wall Street Journal (1997) Nearly one of every five shopping malls will be out of business by the end of next year (Prawie co pi1te centrum sklepowe splajtuje do konca przysz3ego roku) - New York Times (2000)

Wordnet angielsko-polski

(mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landscaped complex of shops representing leading merchandisers
usually includes restaurants and a convenient parking area
a modern version of the traditional marketplace
"a good plaza should have a movie house"
"they spent their weekends at the local malls")
centrum handlowe
synonim: plaza
synonim: mall
synonim: center
synonim: shopping center
synonim: shopping centre

Słownik internautów

centrum handlowe